Harold Hitz Burton #84 (1888-1964)

Board 140 - Harold hitz Burton #84 (1888-1964)

Harold Hitz burton #84 (1888-1964) Burton was nominated to the court by president Harry S. Truman without a single objection and begins service in October 1945. Burton was a Harvard grad so any confusion reference a photograph of him wearing a Yale hat is merely an award created mistake.

Burton autographs a letter on Supreme Court letterhead dated October 7, 1957 about a year before he retired from the court.

Burton was a methodical justice who worked long hours to get his decisions, just right. He was a very well-liked justice by his brethren. Burton is the last man to resign his seat in congress to take an appointment to the Supreme Court.

The board presents three photographs of the Justice in his judicial robes. There are two photographs of him in his chambers and one singular photograph of him receiving recognition at a Yale party.

The board number is 140.

Offered for: $ 2900


James C. McReynolds #66


Justice Levi Woodbury #30 (1789-1851)