Justice Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)

Board 003- Justice Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)

Justice Black autographs a Supreme Court chambers card without dating it. The photograph of the court en banc tells us that it was taken after Justice Black became the longest serving associate Justice on the Court. This is determined by recognizing his place is to the immediate right of the Chief Justice / in this case, Chief Earl Warren.

The Japanese internment camp is included to honor those Japanese American’s interred during World War ii in camps. Black wrote the decision in Korematsu v United States. A regretful decision but one that was assigned to Black. Included is a photograph of Black in his Judicial robes. (After his confirmation it was disclosed Black was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, (if not he would never have been elected to Congress where he served for 10 years.)

Black was the first of nine consecutive Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointments.

Board number 3.

Offered for: $2600.


West v Barnes (1791) 2 U.S. (2Dall.) 401


Justice Sherman Minton #87