Joseph P. Bradley# 41 (1813-1892)

Board #179a - Joseph P. Bradley# 41 (1813-1892)

Joseph P. Bradley# 41 (1813-1892) Justice Bradley began in education and ended in law. President Grant nominated him. He dissented in the interpretation of the Slaughterhouse Cases interpreting the Fourteenth Amendment. Bradley was one of a 15-member commission named to decide the 1876 presidential election between Hayes and Tilden. The election was decided by a single vote. (the house and senate sent 5 members each and the supreme court named 5 ) Bradley cast the deciding vote. Bradley was vilified by Democrats and received death threats. Bradley denied any impropriety in selecting Hayes a Republican. (In 2021 it appears Rutgers University removed the Justices name from a building on their campus.) Really? Can we not get over ourselves? Our next censorship may be Benjamin Franklin for some unremembered act against a French woman. The board offers an auto of Bradley noting he’s on the Supreme Court, three photographs and one of Grant, and one of an American Eagle by Pugh.

Board: 179a

Offered For: $2250


Justice William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)


Sherman Minton #87 (1890-1965)