Byron ‘Whizzer’ White #93 (1917-2002)

Byron “Whizzer” White #93 (1917-2002)

White signs a photograph of himself in a Colorado football team uniform. He was the runner-up for the Heisman trophy, the highest paid NFL player, a Rhodes Scholar, graduate of Harvard Law and it was Kennedy who nominated him to the Supreme Court. There is a photograph of the justice at a speaking engagement as well as a photograph of he and his wife, Janice and his 2 children. There is an original art first day cover by Pugh celebrating our nations birthdate postmarked July 4, 1974.

White was explosive everywhere he went. President Kennedy nominated him to the Supreme Court without White ever deciding a single case observing: “He (White) has excelled at everything, and I know he will excel on the highest court in the land.” He was one of 2 Justices to dissent in Roe v Wade. which has now been overturned.

Board Number 13.



Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Justice John Paul Stevens


Justice William O. Douglas #79, Justice Frank Murphy #80