Byron White #93 (1917-2002)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Byron White #93 (1917-2002)

Justice White was nominated to the Court in 1962 by John Fitzgerald Kennedy. White was in the Navy, like Kennedy. White played football at Colorado and excelled in that enterprise. He played in the NFL as a running back and ran for the most yards. He was no dummy but a Rhodes scholar. He went to Harvard Law and played football. White and Kennedy met in England as Kennedy’s father was U.S. Ambassador to England. Kennedy as President nominated a virtual unknown to the Supreme Court. After 31 years of service, not a bad gamble.

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107 (1933-2020)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107 (1933-2020)

Justice Ginsburg could be called the notorious R.B.G and has been. Justice Clarence Thomas #106 sits today as the most senior of today’s 2020 Justices.

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