Horace Gray #47, Mass. Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw (1781-1861)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Horace Gray #47, Mass. Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw (1781-1861)

Horace Gray #47 was Chief Justice of Massachusetts for years before he was nominated to the United States Supreme Court, he hired Massachusetts Supreme Courts, first Clerk and future Justice of the United States Supreme Court Louis Brandeis.

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Horace H. Lurton #61 (1844-1914) & Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Horace H. Lurton #61 (1844-1914) & Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)

Horace H. Lurton #61 (1844-1914) Lurton was nominated to the court by William Howard Taft.

He also nominated Charles Evans hughes #62 (1862-1948) Lurton was from Kentucky, attended Cumberland Law and served in the Confederate States of America. He was captured twice and often told a white lie that Lincoln paroled him because of fervent pleas from his mother. Lurton served but a short time on the Court and died after 4 years of service of a heart attack. His autograph is a hard find. Besides what was he doing in Atlantic City, NJ when he died….gambling wasn’t yet legal there.

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