William Rehnquist #100 (1924-2005)

Board #201 - William Rehnquist #100 (1924-2005)

Chief Justice William Rehnquist #100 (1924-2005) was made so in 1986 through the nomination by president Ronald Reagan the former Governor of California. Rehnquist went to Stanford and graduated at the top of his class. Rehnquist, it is said was the most influential Chief Justice during his term of the entire 1900’s. Oyez tells us “he is frequently mentioned in the same breath… as Chief Justice John Marshall”.

Jeffery Rosen in Atlantic monthly 2005 observed of Rehnquist: “Rehnquist departed from doctrinaire conservative ideology and conservatives have failed to grasp that his tactical flexibility was more effective than the rigid purity of Scalia and Thomas. In truth, Rehnquist carefully staked out a limbo between the right and the left and showed that it was a very good place to be. With exceptional efficiency and amiability, he led a Court that put the brakes on some of the excesses of the Earl Warren Era.” It’s hard to disagree with these observations by Rosen.

The board is 201.

Offered for: $4700.


Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)


Levi Woodbury #30 (1789 – 1851)