Byron White #93 (1917-2002)

Board #197 - Byron White #93 (1917-2002)

Byron White #93 (1917-2002) was nominated to the supreme court by president John Fitzgerald Kennedy. They met in England as Kennedy’s father was Ambassador to Great Britain and White was attending school as a Rhodes Scholar. They both had things in common and became good friends. White signs a first day cover commemorating the 33rd signor of the Declaration of Independence Caesar Rodney postmarked July 1, 1976. Justice White was nominated and approved by acclimatation. He was sworn in on April 16, 1962 and retired in 1993 after 31 years of service. He was the first Justice selected from the State of Florida. There are 5 photographs: 1. the Justice poses for a photograph in his robes. 2. a photograph shows the Justice his wife Marion and their two children. 3. A close up photograph of the Justice. 4. A photograph of the Justice when a Lieutenant Commander, Office of Navel Intelligence, World War II. Finally, a first day cover of whites nominating President postmarked May 29, 1964 from Boston.

Board # 197.

Offered for: $2100.


Anthony Kennedy #104 (1936- )


Henry B. Brown #52 (1836-1913)