Owen Roberts #74 (1875-1955)

Board #200 - Owen Roberts #74 (1875-1955)

Owen Roberts #74 (1875-1955) accepted a Justices prerogative. He changed a vote that had far reaching implications. Roberts was nominated by Herbert Hoover so Roberts aversion to the “new deal” proposed by President Roosevelt was perhaps a knee-jerk reaction. Roosevelt thought the Supreme Court was old and needed help to render decisions so he suggested expanding the size of the Court. Although this was never said publicly, it appears Roberts was the only Justice who saw the far-reaching implications of Roosevelts suggestion. Changing a vote merely shifted a group of decisions not the fabric of the Court itself.

This board presents the autograph of Roberts who “changed a vote to save nine.” He presents 5 photographs as follows: 1. A photo of him in his judicial robes. 2. A picture of him with his wife and dog 3. Waiving to a photographer. 4. Congratulating a look-alike. 5. Sitting on chief Hughes Court in the 1930’s. (I failed the attempt to name of Justice Roberts dog, anyone?)

Board # 200.

Offered for: $1950.


Samuel Miller #36 (1816-1890), Joseph P Bradly #41 (1813- 1892), Stephen J. Field #38 (1816-1899), Stanley Matthews #46 (1824-1889)


Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)