Chief Justice Morrison Waite #43 (1816-1888), Justice John Marshall Harlan #44 (1833-1911)

Board 108 - Chief Justice Morrison Waite #43, Justice John Marshall Harlan #44

The 7th Chief Justice Morrison Waite #43 (1816-1888) autographs a business card with his single name. There are two prints of the Chief Justice hereon attached. Waite was a dedicated hard worker and held the respect of other members of the court. Felix Frankfurter observed of Chief Waite: “he did not confine the constitution within the limits of his own experience… the disciplined and disinterested lawyer in him transcended the bounds of the environment within which he moved and the views of the client whom he served at the bar.”

John Marshall Harlan #44 (1833-1911) autographs an undated sheet of paper. The display also includes a print in his Chamber’s.

A photograph of the Justice in his judicial robes. Also included is a more formal photograph in his robes. (Harlan’s Grandson also became a Justice) Justice Harlan was known as “the great dissenter” he dissented in the civil rights cases like Plessey v Ferguson not overturned until 1954.

Board is  numbered 108:

Offered for: $4800.


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107


Justice James Clark McReynolds #66 (1862-1946)