Horace H. Lurton #61 (1844-1914) & Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Horace H. Lurton #61 (1844-1914) & Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)

Horace H. Lurton #61 (1844-1914) Lurton was nominated to the court by William Howard Taft.

He also nominated Charles Evans hughes #62 (1862-1948) Lurton was from Kentucky, attended Cumberland Law and served in the Confederate States of America. He was captured twice and often told a white lie that Lincoln paroled him because of fervent pleas from his mother. Lurton served but a short time on the Court and died after 4 years of service of a heart attack. His autograph is a hard find. Besides what was he doing in Atlantic City, NJ when he died….gambling wasn’t yet legal there.

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