Justice Willis Van Devanter #63 (1851-1941)

Board 138 - Justice Willis Van Devanter #63 (1851-1941)

Justice Willis Van Devanter #63 (1851-1941) Van Devanter was nominated by President Taft. He was approved and he remained on the court for the next 27 years. He autographs a card dated April 4, 1911 or 111 years ago. There are 3 photographs depicting the Justice engaged in various activities: the first he is found among the walking wounded on the court who both a sporting canes. He is caught in the cold Washington weather wearing an overcoat and a suit. His likeness is found on a magazine page which pictures Joseph Q.C. Lamar,( #64) Horace Lurton (61) and Chief Charles Evans Hughes (62).

Finally, he is captured reading in his chambers.

The photograph of the new Supreme Court building completed in 1935 appears to have caught the landscapers just putting the finishing touches on the grounds.

Van Devanter was a professor at George Washington Law and served the interests of the State of Wyoming. This Justice may have retired sooner but the government had halved retirement benefits during the depression.

BOARD #138

Offered for: $2600


William Rehnquist #100 (1924-2005), Lewis F. Powell, Jr. #99 (1907- 1998)


Owen Roberts #74 (1875-1955)