Chief Earl Warren #88, and Sherman Minton #87
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Chief Earl Warren #88, and Sherman Minton #87

14th chief justice earl warren #88 autographs an undated piece of paper while the man nominated and appointed just before him, Sherman Minton #87 autographs a card from the 2011 signature edition and is numbered 1 of 2 a collection offered by the now defunct upper deck company.

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Sherman Minton #87 (1890-1965)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Sherman Minton #87 (1890-1965)

Sherman Minton #87 (1890-1965) : Sherman Minton was nominated to the Supreme Court by Harry S. Truman with whom Minton was friendly with during their joint time in the U.S. Senate. later when Truman nominated Minton to the U.S. Supreme Court the New York Times and the Washington Post suggested Truman was again favoring his friends for high posts to the exclusion of others.

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