Chief Earl Warren #88, and Sherman Minton #87

Board #143

14th Chief Justice Earl Warren #88 autographs an undated piece of paper while the man nominated and appointed just before him, Sherman Minton #87 autographs a card from the 2011 signature edition and is numbered 1 of 2 a collection offered by the now defunct Upper Deck Company.

Chief Warren is pictured in three photographs the first appears he is a delegate and when compared to the photo right next to it appears he has aged 20 years in but a blinking of an eye. Since he later in his service changed his political affiliation suffice it to say one was before while the other was after the change.  One fails to explain how tall Clark got on to this board but by bribe.

Justice Minton has a bust photo of himself and photos walking around the court.  He has a bust photo too. Minton suffered: his father was incapable of work, His mother died from breast cancer, and he was on the road to delinquency.  A $3.00 city ordinance fine changed his life.

Board #143

Offered For: $3500.


William Rehnquist #100 (1924 - 2005)


Harry Blackmun #98 Roe v Wade