Rufus W Peckham #56 (Service: 1896 - 1909) Joseph McKenna #57 (Service 1898-1925)

Board #182 - Rufus W Peckham #56 (Service: 1896 - 1909) Joseph McKenna #57 (Service 1898-1925)

This board displays Justice Rufus W. Peckham #56 (1838-1909). Peckham’s autograph fails to date his signature but he does note he is member of the United States Supreme Court, in Washington D. C. there is a photograph of Justice Peckham.

The board also displays Justice Joseph McKenna #57 (1843-1926). Justice McKenna also fails to date his signature but he too notes he is a member of the Supreme Court of the United States. Justice McKenna is displayed in two photographs in one he is sitting with future Chief Justice Harlan Stone and in the other photograph he is found in his judicial robes.

There is also included a photograph of the statute erected at the Supreme Court building, but truth being told neither of these two gentlemen were alive to see that building since it wasn’t erected until 1935 and these Justices died in 1909 and 1926 respectively. There is a first day cover by Pugh displaying an American Eagle and numbered 185/211, postmarked May 10, 1988.

Board No: 182

Offered For: $3800.


Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (Service 1902-1933)


Warren Burger #97 (1907 -1995)