Warren Burger #97 (1907 -1995)

Board #182a - Warren Burger #97 (1907 -1995)

Warren Burger #97 (1907 -1995) is also the 15th Chief Justice of the United States and served as such (1969-1986). The Chief was nominated to the Court by President Richard Nixon and he was affirmed with little opposition. In 1974, Burger wrote for a unanimous Court, despite the fact Burger was named by a conservative President, cases decided under his watch were some of the most liberal decisions in the Courts history abortion (Roe v Wade) capital punishment, (Furman v Georgia), school desegregation, (Swann v Charlotte). Burger did observe: “our (court) system is too costly, too painful, too destructive, too inefficient for a truly civilized people. To rely on the adversary process as the principal means of resolving conflicting claims is a mistake that must be corrected.” March 26, 1909.

The board contains the Chiefs autograph “good luck” 3 photographs in his robe, 1 in chambers, and 1 showing the Nixon family.

Board: 182a

Offered For: $2500


Rufus W Peckham #56 (Service: 1896 - 1909) Joseph McKenna #57 (Service 1898-1925)


Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935)