Justice Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)

Board #184 - Justice Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)

Justice Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971) black was from Alabama and served as a State Senator for a decade. It could be said Black was predictable in how he addressed every constitutional question considered by him. He believed the framers saw with clarity the words written into the Constitution so he interpreted that document literally. He was a strict constructionist. Black autographs a newsprint that pictured every Supreme Court Justice of the October 1967 term. There are 5 pictures attached to this board. They are: 1. The Justice going through customs. 2. In chambers wearing his judicial robes 3, sitting next to the American flag. 4. a personal small photograph and 5. A picture of the Court with Chief Earl Warren presiding. There is an original art drawing on a first day cover post marked Feb. 27, 1986. Pugh signed the art and numbered it 3 of 5.


Offered For: $2150.


Edward D White #55 (Service: 1894-1910) & Rufus W. Peckham #56 (Service: 1896-1909)


Chief Morrison Waite #47 (1816-1888)