Chief Morrison Waite #47 (1816-1888)

Board #184a - Chief Morrison Waite #47 (1816-1888)

Chief Morrison Waite #47 (1816-1888) Justice Waite was a hard dedicated worker and earned the respect of his fellow Justices by working hard and having in mind a goal or direction. He was nominated to the Court by President Grant and after a unanimous vote he took his seat at the helm of the Court. The board presents two etchings of the 7th Chief Justice and the Chief autographs a small sheet of paper curiously that paper has the numbers 1876 strung together which if meant to be a year means this was written by him two years after President Grant nominated him. There is a photograph taken by Civil War legendary photographer Brady of President Grant however I would suggest its but a copy or a very lucky find.

Waite was if nothing more to have a group of men put together from diverse backgrounds that seemed to work together better than any other group this writer has since seen.

Offered for: $2550.


Justice Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)


12th Chief Harlan F. Stone #73 (1872-1946)