Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar #49(1825-1893)

Board #216 - Lucius quintus Cincinnatus Lamar #49(1825-1893)

Lamar was from Mississippi and a Senator at the time civil war broke out. He resigned his post and returned to Mississippi to write about that States succession from the Union.

Since Lamar’s father committed suicide when he was but 9 and was thereafter raised by Judge Augustus Baldwin Longstreet. It was no surprise when he married Virginia Longstreet the daughter of general James Longstreet and the rear guard of general Robert E. Lee. Lamar saw action for the first two years of the war. He gave a eulogy for Charles Sumner which JFK felt was truly a risk but more a brave thing. The boards autograph shows L.Q.C. Lamar Oxford Mississippi. And includes three photographs of the Justice. One of them has the Justice in his judicial robes. There is a depiction of a Civil War battle but may not connect to this Justice’s past. President Kennedy in “profiles in courage” singles out the eulogy submitted by Justice Lamar to be an uncommonly brave act.

Board number is : # 216.

Offered for: $4100.


#215 - Charles Evans Hughes #62(1862-1948), Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)


William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)