William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)

Board #181a - William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)

This letter contains a letter written by justice William O. Douglas on supreme court stationary and an envelope postmarked April 6, 1962, is attached thereto. (the court stationary indicates the letter was written from the chambers of William o. Douglas. The justice signs this letter William o. Douglas. (he notes the letter was written by him at “O’Hare” (Chicago’s airport)

And the letter is written in his hand.

The photographs affixed to the board show the young track star Douglas with 2 teammates. (Douglas is in the middle). Douglas is pictured in his robes and in a Kodiak hooded jacket; there is a picture of him in his robes and at the white house visit with the court upon earl warren’s appointment by President Eisenhower. Sadly, he is also shown in a wheelchair at the funeral of chief justice warren. The letter inquires if Carrol has a telephone.

The Board is numbered: 181a

Offered For: $2800.


Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar #49(1825-1893)


Tom C. Clark #86 (1899-1977)