Multiple Judges

Board #218 - Multiple Judges

In June 1969 Warren Burger was nominated as the United States Chief Justice and took the reins of leadership from Chief Earl Warren.

By 1975, the Supreme Court realized 4 more changes to the courts composition as Justices Fortas, Black, Harlan, and Douglas retired.

With that composition the Court thereafter autographed their composition with their personal autographs. This board identifies the Chief, the balance of the Court in order of seniority of the front row and the back row in order. The photograph attached reflects the courts autographed composition.

Chief: Warren E. Burger

Front row: Associate Justices

William Brennan, Jr.(90), Potter Stewart (92)

Byron White (93), Thurgood Marshall (96)

Back row: Associate Justices

Harry A. Blackmun (98), Lewis F. Powell, Jr. (99)

William Rehnquist (100), John Paul Stevens (101)

Board # 218

Offered for: $6,600.


Tom C. Clark #86 (1899-1977)


Multiple Judges