Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)

Board #192 - Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)

Hugo Black was Franklin Roosevelts first selection to go to the Supreme Court. A State Senator and he had been so for 10 years. He supported Roosevelts “New Dear” It wasn’t an easy selection but the fight realized a successful result. Out of the skirmish a strict constructionist was born and, in that manner, Black earned the respect of all that second guessed him and predicted his performance. He fooled them all. What was his most valuable written decision to the fabric if American Jurisprudence? Gideon v Wainwright where it was decided a person charged with a criminal act was guaranteed the benefit of counsel , and a competent one, to assist him in his defense. The board presents an undated chambers card signed by Justice Black. There are 4 photographs attached thereto: 1. Black in his judicial robes. 2. In chamber looking at a law book, 3. A photograph with his wife, Elizabeth and 4 a photograph of the Earl Warren Court. Old Glory is celebrated by artist Pugh who signs and numbers his effort 39 of 80.

The board is # 192.

Offered for: $2250.


George Sutherland #70 (1862-1942)


John Paul Stevens #101 (1920 – 2019)