George Sutherland #70 (1862-1942)

Board #191a - George Sutherland #70 (1862-1942)

Sutherland was born in Buckinghamshire, England and was brought by his parents to America. More specifically he was brought to Utah. There his parents joined the Church of Later-Day Saints and later removed themselves from that membership. He attended BYU and Michigan law. Sutherland was nominated to the Court by Warren G. Harding and no voice was heard to object. ( Sutherland was the last LDS member to represent Utah in the Senate.)

The board presents a letter written and signed by Sutherland of Supreme Court letterhead on September 23, 1937 where Sutherland belatedly replies to a request for a photograph as his supply is “exhausted”. (this seems a common problem.) The board presents 4 photographs: 1. a close-up photograph of the bearded Justice. 2. Posing for photograph (since Sutherland passed in 1942 this May be some time earlier in the 30’s via 4x5 cameras?) 3. A small snapshot and 4. The entire Hughes Court in 1930+). Pugh numbered art 158/159 reference flag.

BOARD # 191.

Offered For: $2600


John Paul Stevens #101 (1920-2019)


Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)