William O. Douglas. #79 (1939-1975)

Board #190 - Willam O. Douglas. #79 (1939-1975)

On May 17, 1962 Douglas writes a letter in which miss Carrol becomes dearest Carrol. The letter is written on unclassified rag paper but is mailed in the confines of the envelope prepared by the United States Supreme Court.

Also included on the board is a picture of Justice Douglas in his robe.

The Court is a bit different than previously shown as Charles Evans Hughes is the Chief Justice who served from 1930 through 1941.

Justice Douglas is found in this picture in the back row and is the second newest Justice in that photograph. Douglas took his position on the Court when he was 42 years old. (however, this photograph had to be taken after Justice Frank Murphy was accepted by acclamation as a member which was in early 1940). the board also includes a photograph of his first wife of 30 years, Mildred Riddle and a photograph of Cathy Heffernan Douglas, who earned her place with her husband. Finally, there is a photo of Douglas in his robes.

Board Number: #190

Offered For: $2850.


Horace H. Lurton #61 (1844-1914) & Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)


Earl Warren #88 (1953-1969)