Tom C. Clark #86 (1899- 1977)

Board #205a - Tom C. Clark #86 (1899- 1977)

Justice Tom C. Clark #86 (1899- 1977) Tom C. Clark was from Texas. He was the first Supreme Court Justice to be named from that State. He did attend law school though and many others on this list didn’t. He had no judicial experience where many didn’t. His only experience was he was appointed U.S. Attorney General. He was nominated to the Court Harry S. Truman who was the very man who had made him an Attorney General. There was much discussion of his lack of experience during the Senators vetting but the vote in the end found him qualified 73 to a minority of 08 naysayers. He remained on the Court for nearly 18 years where he resigned to avoid any conflict between himself and his son who was soon to be named to that position by President Johnson. Some say the appointment of Ramsey Clark as attorney general was just a ploy by Lyndon Johnson to force tom Clark’s resignation. If it was, it worked. However, Johnson made good use of the selection he created as he nominated Thurgood Marshall.

The board number is 205a

Offered for: $1800.


Mahlon Pitney #65 (1858-1924) James Clark McReynolds #66 (1862-1946)


William O. Douglas #79 (1898–1980)