William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)

Board #187a - William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)

Douglas lost his Scottish Minister father to death at the age of 6. He ended his High School as student body President. He too seemed a vagabond as for his entire life he walked and kept in shape and conferred with nature. He attended Columbia Law. He married and fathered children but the marriage ended after 30 years. He was to marry another 3 times and set records unlikely to be broken while he sat in the United States Supreme Court based upon the nomination by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

This board displays a 4 x 5 card autographed by Justice Douglas. He appears in 5 photographs 1. In a wheelchair for earl warren’s services; 2. Meeting new friends, 3. Speaking with fellow Justices. Petting his dog on a walkabout. And a picture showing his presence in the front row of the Court. (The photograph of court autographs is only that.) finally, the Eagle first day cover postmarked January 12, .1983 is also attached.

The board number is 187

Offered For: $2250.


Justice Stanley Reed #77 (1884-1980)


Earl Warren #88(1953-1969) Stanley Reed #77 (1928-1957) Thomas Clark #86 (1949-1967) Charles Whittaker #91 (1949-1967) Abraham Fortas #95 (1945-1960)