Justice Stanley Reed #77 (1884-1980)

Board #187 - Justice Stanley Reed #77 (1884-1980)

Reed came from Kentucky and his forefathers were in America early on. His father was a doctor. It is without doubt that Justice Reed was the last man to be elevated to the Supreme Court without having a law degree. (many think he did better than many who served with law degree. Once the saddle becomes a comfort the horse is easier to ride.) Reed was married to Winifred who mothered for him two sons. They both became graduated lawyers. Reed autographs a chambers card.

It has been suggested the new Chief Justice Warren knew Justice Reed was going to dissent in Brown v Board of Education because it had been argued once and ordered reargued. Warren thought with the importance of Brown to the nation it should be a unanimous decision. Reed after talking with Warren changed his planned dissent.


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Sonia Sotomayor & Justice Elena Kagan #112


William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)