Arthur Goldberg #94 (1908-1990)

Board #185b - Arthur Goldberg #94 (1908-1990)

Goldberg served as Secretary of Labor and Jack Kennedy’s second nomination to the Supreme Court and he became United States Ambassador to the United Nations. After Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Texas Lyndon Baines Johnson became President. He confided in Goldberg his desire to appoint him to a new post in the United Nations. You can tell from the photograph how appreciative the President was. Goldberg after three years was relieved of his U.N. posting. Goldberg writes the best observation himself by saying: “if Columbus had an advisory committee he would probably still be at the dock. ( a job for life vs 3 years at the U.N. you figure.) Goldberg autographs on Supreme Court stationary dated September 20, 1963 a letter declining an invitation. There are 5 photographs: 1. arguing a point 2 &3. In judicial robes. 4. Shaking the Presidents hand, thank you. And 5. A first day cover of the President who nominated him to the Court postmarked May 29, 1964.

This Board is numbered #185b

Offered For: $2350.


12th Chief Harlan F. Stone #73 (1872-1946)


Sonia Sotomayor & Justice Elena Kagan #112