Sonia Sotomayor & Justice Elena Kagan #112

Board #186 - Sonia Sotomayor & Justice Elena Kagan #112

Justices #111 AND #112 were both nominations made by president Obama. Sonia Sotomayor (took her place on the Court after being nominated by President Barack Obama and taking her seat August, 2009. She is the first Latina to serve on the supreme court. Not unlike her departed fellow Associate Ruth Bader Ginsburg she has accepted an unstated responsibility to defend racial and women’s rights. She doesn’t like signing autographs.

Justice Elena Kagan #112 was supported by the Clintons and she clerked for Antonin Scalia who dubbed her shorty. It was Scalia who asked Obama to nominate her to the court. At the time of her nomination, she was the Dean of Harvard Law. The board presents two photographs of Justice Sotomayor, one color, one mounted black and white which bears a Kagan autograph. The Justice provides a matted photograph which she signs and signs a signed chambers card. Then from an 1890 Puck magazine we get 2 young ladies.

The board # is 186.

Offered For: $4050.


Arthur Goldberg #94 (1908-1990)


Justice Stanley Reed #77 (1884-1980)