William J. Brennan, Jr. #90 (1906-1997)

Board #212 - William j. Brennan, jr. #90 (1906-1997)

Brennen was born in New Jersey to Irish immigrants. After good schooling he attended Harvard Law. In 1931 he went into private practice and engaged in labor law.

In the army during world war II, he advanced to Colonel. Upon his return he advance to Judge and Eisenhower finally nominated him to the Supreme Court. Brennan feared during his confirmation that some Senators would frown on his Irish Catholic faith. That fear was unfounded as the only Senator to vote against him was red scare Senator McCarthy.

Justice Brennan can be considered one of the most influential Justices of the 20th century…

Perhaps Earl Warren knew that fact first. The Court had long recognized Earl Warren had delegated Brennan most of the important decisions, some even called him deputy chief.

The board number is 212.

Offered for: $2400.


Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)


Elena Kagan #112 (1960 -- )