Potter Stewart #92 and Byron White #93

Board #148 Potter Stewart #92 and Byron White #93

Potter Stewart #92 and Byron White #93 both autograph photographs of themselves Justice Stewart addresses his to the political science department of the University of Nevada while Justice White personalizes his autograph to Ron. It appears these autographs were executed around September 19th but the year is undocumented. Each of the justices have two photographs on this board. I have a complaint they are cardboard stick figures. You would think with so many photographs.

These guys would learn to do a better job at unposed photos.

In the court en mass the same complaint ensues the guys are cardboard figures.

Justice Stewart is famous for uttering: “obscenity is hard to Define, but I know it when I see it.” He later retracted that.

White, a Rhodes Scholar, was runner-up

To the Heisman and the NFL’s highest paid running back. Together they served between them nearly 54 years on the court.

Board: 148.

Offered For: $2900.


Lewis F. Powell, Jr. #99 (1907-1998) (Copy)


Abe Fortas #95 (1910-1982)