David Souter “105 (1939 - )

Board #158 David Souter #105 (1939 - )

Justice Souter was nominated to the court in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush. He retired in 2009 after spending nearly 19 years on the court. He is 83 years old in 2022. He was born in the Liberty State where they had a Tea Party, Paul Revere rode, where the Liberty Bell resides and the Boston Massacre occurred. He went to Harvard Law. As this Justice became comfortable with the court, he proved to abandon conservative ways and adopt liberal thoughts and values. He was outspoken and admired Ruth Bader Ginsburg and thought John Paul Stevens was the smartest Justice on the court.

The board addresses what may be called a Souterism but what may be thoughts found in a majority of American’s today. This, however, is only his thought. “I would like to think that enough examples of non-compromise are going to start people thinking that there must be a better way to try to govern the country.”

Souter autographs a chambers card and leaves it undated.

Board: 158.

Offered For: $2850


William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)


James F. Byrnes #81 (1882-1972)