Arthur Goldberg #94 (1908-1990)

Board #164 - Arthur Goldberg #94 (1908-1990)

Arthur Goldberg candidly observed in part that: “no system worth preserving should have to fear that if a person is permitted to consult with a lawyer, he will become aware of, and exercise these rights.” Because “no system of criminal justice can, or should, survive if it comes to depend for its continued effectiveness on the citizens abdication through unawareness of their constitutional rights.” Justice Goldberg offers four photographs of himself as Associate Justice. In one of them, he is in his court robes. There is a photograph of almost the entire court but the ninth Justice is missing. The process elimination tell us the tardy Justice is John Marshall Harlan II.

Goldberg personalizes his autograph to Bill Roberts. In 1990 there is a first day cover that displays all of the Justices to receive a stamp up to the postmark which is February 2, 1990.

The candid picture suggests these guys got along quite well.

Board: 164

Offered For: $1750


Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948)


Stanley Foreman Reed #77 (1884-1980) & Justice Hugo Black #76 (1886-1971)