Justice Frank Murphy #80 (1890-1941)

Board #173 - Justice Frank Murphy #80 (1890-1941)

Justice Murphy filled the vacancy left by the passing of Pierce Butler who died in 1939 while still on the bench. Murphy autographs an undated chambers card and claims the 5th nomination made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. During the Second World War Murphy as can be surmised by the board was in the service and spent much of his time at Fort Banning, Georgia as the photograph suggests. Also, it is recognized that in 1914 murphy graduated Michigan law. He was the Mayor of Detroit, Michigan as well as that states Governor. He also served as the Attorney General before he was nominated to the court by FDR. The press called Murphy “tempering justice with Murphy.” Murphy has four photographs one in uniform already referenced. One a closeup and another in chambers and the last in a light-colored suit.

Board: 173

Offered For: $2250


Justice Samuel Nelson #29 (1792-1873) & Justice Levi Woodbury #30 (1789 – 1851)


Justice George Sutherland #70 (1862-1942)