Justice George Sutherland #70 (1862-1942)

Board #175 - Justice George Sutherland #70 (1862-1942)

Justice George Sutherland #70 (1862-1942) autographs a chambers card and dates it October 6, 1921. Sutherland was born to a Scottish father who travelled to the United States and settled for a time in Utah. Young Sutherland eventually settled on Michigan Law.

Sutherland was a longstanding women’s rights advocate and introduced the 19th amendment to the United States Senate. (the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified by Congress on August 26, 1920. It achieved what Abigail Adams asked her husband to do in the late 1700’s. It gave women the right to vote.

Sutherland was nominated to the Supreme Court by Warren Harding in 1938. He remained on the court for over 15 years when he retired.

Board: 175

Offered For: $3400


Justice Frank Murphy #80 (1890-1941)


Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. #90 (1906-1997)