James C. McReynolds #66 (1862-1946)

Board 134 - JAMES C. McReynolds #66 (1862-1946)

Autographs an undated letter on letterhead from the Hotel Hermitage of Nashville, Tennessee. There are two photographs attached hereto both of which appear to be taken in court chambers. There is also an antique court photo which displays a youthful McReynolds who before he was nominated to the court was an Attorney General.

Included in this photograph display is a photograph of the entire court and of Chief Justice White. Also included are photographs of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Brown and Van Devanter and the remaining Justices of this time.

There is an original first day cover of original art postmarked 10, 19, 1993 forty-seven years after the Justice died. The artwork was done by Pugh and is numbered 3 of 4 depicting the great seal of the United States.

The board number is: 134.

Offered for: $2600.


Justice Sherman Minton #87 (1890-1965), Justice Tom C. Clark #86 (1899-1977)


Warren Burger #97 (1907-1995)