Felix Frankfurter #78 (1882-1965)

Board 034 - Felix Frankfurter

Felix Frankfurter #78 (1882-1965) Frankfurter was nominated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt whose picture is found at the bottom of the board. He became a member of the court in 1939 and after 23 years and he retired from the court. He replaced Justice Cardozo. Frankfurter was born in Vienna, Austria and immigrated to the United States when he was 12. He assisted in the founding of the American civil liberties union and was also an instructor at Harvard.

The board presents a matted portrait the Justice autographed. In that picture as well as another the Justice is shown in his judicial robes. There is also a picture taken in his youth so you can tell what he looked like before his receding hairline exposed a large forehead.

Board number is 34.



Justice James C. McReynolds #66 (1862-1946)


Justice Abe Fortas, #95 (1910-1982)