Supreme Court Selection

Board 040- Full Court

This board presents a first day cover showing the likeness of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (#58). Upon that envelope six justices who apply their autographs, they are in order of appointment as follows:

1. Byron ‘Whizzer’ White #93 JUSTICE (1962-1993) Kennedy nominee. 2nd pick in NFL draft, highest paid NFL player at that time, Rhodes Scholar, Friend of the president.

2. Lewis F. Powell, Jr. #99 Justice (1972-1987) Sworn in on same day as Chief to be William Rehnquist. One of two justices to have a masters-of-law. Nixon nominee

3. John Paul Stevens #101 (1975-2010) Ford nominee. 3rd longest sitting Justice. Clerked for Justice Wiley b. Rutledge.

4. Anthony Kennedy #104 Justice (1998-2018) Reagan nominee. Most noted speech; attempt to pack the Supreme Court.

5. Clarence Thomas #106 (1991- incumbent) second African American on court, Bush nominee.

6. Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107 (1993-2020) best remembered for gender equality. Bill Clinton nominee.

Board number 40.

Offered for: $7600


Justice William Brennan, Jr. #90 (1906-1997)


Felix Frankfurter #78 (1882-1965)