Justice Abe Fortas #95 (1910- 1982),Justice Hugo l. Black #76 (1888-1971)

Board 063a - Justice Abe Fortas #95, Hugo l. Black #76

These are the two (2) men responsible for Gideon v Wainwright which is identified as the constitutional right to competent counsel.

The attorney appointed to represent the defendant by the Supreme Court was future Justice Abe Fortas #95 (1910- 1982) who has here autographed an undated 4x5 card.

It was Abe Fortas who gave millions of juvenile’s substantial constitutional rights and expanded their rights substantially in In re Gault. The only thing a juvenile is not afforded as far as criminal rights are concerned is they have no right to a jury trial.

Justice Hugo l. Black #76 (1888-1971) autographs a first day cover postmarked July 4, 1955. Black is depicted on the cover of time magazine (1October 9, 1964). It should be noted a young Hugo Black was nominated to the court by FDR. After he was confirmed it was discovered Black had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Blacks reply: “If I hadn’t joined I would never have served in congress.”

Board number: 63A

Offered for: $3400


Justice John McLean #21 (1785-1861)


Justice Warren Burger #97 (1969-1986), Justice Stanley Matthews #46 (1824-1889)