Justice Harold Hitz Burton #84 (1888-1964), Justice Wiley Rutledge #83 (1894-1949)

Board 077 - Justice Harold Hitz Burton #84, WILEY RUTLEDGE #83

Justice Harold Hitz Burton #84 (1888-1964) autographed a Supreme Court card to T. K. Pitt on February 24, 1947. The display includes a photograph of Justice Burton. Burton attended Harvard law. He was a Republican and was nominated to the court by Democrat Harry Truman.

There is also an autographed note from Justice Wiley Rutledge #83 (1894-1949) to a Mr. Jose Sanchez dated May 22, 1943. Justice Rutledge graduated from Colorado law and became after being nominated by F.D.R. a member of the liberal wing of the court during a time when the court was receiving many suggestions to modify the number of Justices. It is of note John Paul Stevens, a future sitting Justice, was one of his law clerks.

The board includes an interesting view arial of the United States supreme court building that was proposed former President and Chief Justice Taft.

Board number 77.

Offered for: $3500.


Justice Hugo Black# 76 (1886-1971)


Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930- )