Chief Justice Melville W, Fuller #50 (1833-1910), Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II, #49 (1825- 1893)

Board 091 - Chief Justice Melville W, Fuller #50, Lucius quintus Cincinnatus Lamar ii, #49

8th Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller #50 (1833-1910) the Chief inscribes on his business card (reverse) “to my lady…” and autographs it with his correct name. included are 2 prints of chief justice Fuller in different poses but similar. The Chief remained on the bench for over 30 years when He died in office in 1910.

Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II, #49 (1825- 1893) Lamar was in Congress at the beginning of the Civil War. His wife was the daughter of the Souths’ General Longstreet. Virginia Longstreet agreed with Lamar’s resignation therefrom and he returned to Mississippi to help draft the Articles of Confederation. Upon the end of the civil war, he returned to congress and did enough to be mentioned in Kennedy’s profiles in courage. Lamar autographs an undated slip of paper. He was nominated to the Supreme Court by Grover Cleveland in 1888. He was truly a brave man.

Board number 91.

Offered for $4800


Justice Thurgood Marshall #96 (1908-1993)


Justice William Rehnquist #100 (1924-2005), Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr #99