Roberts, Chief Stone, Devanter & Brandeis

Board 103 - Roberts, Stone, Devanter and Brandeis

This board is larger than most others 24 x 36. The board presents four justices all of whom served during the new deal. All of them with reasons profound to remain on the court.

In alphabetical order the selected justices present an unusual picture but together one of bravery and with a desire to get it right within the meaning of each of their interpretations of the constitution. Louis Brandeis #67 and his texts provide the greatest insight to social justice and freedom of speech ever written. Willis Van Devanter #63 provides insight into what drives a simple man to endure years of conflict just to defend a document also written by just men. Owen Roberts #74 endured the “new deal” until he saw that in continuing to do so the very composition of the court could be compromised…in time he switched his vote. Harlan Stone #73 maintained balance with restraint and proved patience always prevails. These 4 men have pictures. Can you identify them in the cartoon by sue? If you can’t begin to read their decisions more carefully.   

BOARD is Numbered #103.



Justice Charles Evans Hughes #62 (1862-1948), Willis Van Devanter #63


Charles Evans Hughes #62