Roberts, Chief Stone, Devanter & Brandeis
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Roberts, Chief Stone, Devanter & Brandeis

In alphabetical order the selected justices present an unusual picture but together one of bravery and with a desire to get it right within the meaning of each of their interpretations of the constitution. Louis Brandeis #67 and his texts provide the greatest insight to social justice and freedom of speech ever written. Willis Van Devanter #63 provides insight into what drives a simple man to endure years of conflict just to defend a document also written by just men. Owen Roberts #74 endured the “new deal” until he saw that in continuing to do so the very composition of the court could be compromised…in time he switched his vote. Harlan Stone #73 maintained balance with restraint and proved patience always prevails. These 4 men have pictures. Can you identify them in the cartoon by sue? If you can’t begin to read

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Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)

Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941) van Devanter was born in Indiana and received a degree from Cincinnati Law in 1881. He subsequently moved to the Wyoming Territory.

Where today Jerry Spence has his course on how to become an exceptional lawyer. He was nominated to the court by William Howard Taft.

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Justice Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941) Justice Joseph Rucker Lamar #64 (1857–1916)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Justice Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941) Justice Joseph Rucker Lamar #64 (1857–1916)

This board presents Justice Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941) together with Justice Joseph Rucker Lamar #64(1857–1916) [Lamar is another difficult autograph to find as, he too, died just after less than 5 years of service. One day less.] Lamar was the cousin of L.Q.C. Lamar (#49) in youth Lamar lived next door to future President Woodrow Wilson. He became an experienced Justice from Georgia. The doctor who treated Lamar cited the cause of death as overwork due to his Supreme Court activities.

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Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)

Willis van Devanter was nominated by president Taft in 1911. He was president Taft’s first nomination and he was received by the senate without objection on January 3, 1911

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