Chief JusticeWarren Burger #97 (1907-1995)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Chief JusticeWarren Burger #97 (1907-1995)

Warren Burger #97 (1907-1995) Justice Burger autographs a pamphlet produced by the Supreme Court wherein many Justices were asked to sign thereon as he in fact does in an undated style. There are five photographs attached to the board the first of which captures the chief in chambers in his robe in color wearing a red tie. The Chief was the first nomination for President Nixon.

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Warren Burger #97 (1907-1995)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Warren Burger #97 (1907-1995)

Warren Burger #97 (1907-1995) the 15th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Warren Burger autographs a group photograph featuring a Congressman and past Mayor of Compton, California, Del Clawson and wife . Clawson is standing next to the Chief.

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Warren Burger #97 (1907 -1995)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Warren Burger #97 (1907 -1995)

Warren Burger #97 (1907 -1995) is also the 15th Chief Justice of the United States and served as such (1969-1986). The Chief was nominated to the Court by President Richard Nixon and he was affirmed with little opposition. In 1974, Burger wrote for a unanimous Court, despite the fact Burger was named by a conservative President, cases decided under his watch were some of the most liberal decisions in the Courts history abortion (Roe v Wade) capital punishment, (Furman v Georgia), school desegregation, (Swann v Charlotte).

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Warren Burger #97 (1907-1995)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Warren Burger #97 (1907-1995)

The board also displays him in a carriage with another and apparently going to sone function requiring a top hat and a tuxedo. There is a photograph of the Justice and his eight other Justices. The two newest Justices are the tandem of Rehnquist and Powell, Jr. (numbers 199 and 99 respectively. The rest of the back row is Thurgood Marshall and Harry Blackmun while the front row besides the Chief in the center from left to our right is Potter Stewart, William O. Douglas, while on the right of the Chief is William Brennan and Byron White.

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