Justice James Clark McReynolds #66 (1862-1946)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Justice James Clark McReynolds #66 (1862-1946)

Justice James Clark McReynolds #66 (1862-1946) Woodrow V. Wilson nominated McReynolds to the Supreme Court. This board reflects an autograph authored by the Justice who served on the court for more than 26 years. McReynolds it has been said by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. was a wonderful host and very exacting in many respects.

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Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930-)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930-)

Sandra Day O’Connor is the first woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court. She was from Arizona and attended law at Stanford. She finished 2nd in her class to who would eventually be her boss Chief Rehnquist. (its understood they, for a time, dated.) She was nominated by President Ronald Reagan (also a prior California governor for a time) but also a President. The President is in the photograph with O’Connor’s new boss Chief Warren Burger.

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