Harlan F. Stone #73 (1872 - 1946)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Harlan F. Stone #73 (1872 - 1946)

Harlan F. Stone #73 was nominated to the court by President Calvin Coolidge in, 1925 and in 1941 continued thereafter as the 13th Chief Justice until his death in 1946 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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Justice Harry Blackmun #98 (1908-1999)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Justice Harry Blackmun #98 (1908-1999)

Justice Harry Blackmun #98 (1908-1999) autographs a chambers card embossed with his name dating it December 1992.

Included on the board is a color photograph of Justice Blackmun in red robes. He is also shown in a photograph in a pensive position. Finally, there is a photograph of this Justice that wrote the majority decision in Roe v Wade. There were 2 dissents from that decision. Blackmun got for his efforts… death threats.

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