William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)

Board #288 - William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)

Douglas was said to have infantile paralysis. He walked all his life to maintain strength in his legs affected by the disease. He excels in his educational pursuits to compensate for his physical weakness. Because of his father’s death Douglas worked as a young man. He developed a strong compassion for the underprivileged and migrants. He taught at both Princeton and Yale. Douglas will write over 40 books in his life. After 30 years he divorces his wife, Mildred. A year later he marries Mercedes Davidson.

At the behest of Joe Kennedy he tours Russia with Robert Kennedy. They walk a lot.

He divorced Mercedes and married Joan Martin. Three years later he divorces again. He marries Cathleen Heffernan in 1966.

In 1974 he suffers a stroke and retires the next year. In 1980 Justice Douglas dies at Walter Reed Hospital. The board has 5 family pictures. And an autographed letter from 1951.

The board number is 288.

Offered for: $2200.


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White, Whitaker, Black & Burton