Justice Stephen Gerald Breyer. #1082, Justice David Souter #105 and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107.

Board #309 - Justice Stephen Gerald Breyer. #1082, Justice David Souter #105 and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107.

This board presents a triad of Justices. They are:

1. Justice Stephen Gerald Breyer. #108

2. Justice David Souter #105

3. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107.

These Justices each reside alone in a very different and honored part of this country’s legal community. Yet today, as the last vestiges of 2022 upon us and all the upheaval this country, alas the world has experienced and is continuing to endure… this board attempts to honor those that have sacrificed themselves for the benefit of all American’s whether you (1.) as a Justice remain serving on today’s vibrant bench or (2.) have retired from active participation and remain vested in seeing how todays court solves legal complications Or (3.) if you have passed to the other side what vibrant inspiration your service now passes to others walking the same path you once trod.

The board is 309

Offered for: $5850.


White, Whitaker, Black & Burton


Cosigners Board - Numerous Judges