Cosigners Board - Numerous Judges

Board #331 - Cosigners board - Numerous Judges

This appears to be a court in search of a Chief Justice. Assuming the Justices were active at the time this co-signors board was signed one must eliminate that theory as Goldberg was gone in October 1965 and Abe Fortas was not there until October of 65. Therefore, one or more of these Justices signed when they were no longer active or before they were confirmed membership. The only logical conclusion is Goldberg autographed the board before he left or after he left for the U.N. it seems logical Goldberg returned to sign the multiple signature cover; Earl Warren was the Chief until 1969 the absence of his autograph is understandable because his assignment to the Warren Commission. Consequently, the board contains 8 Justices of the Supreme Court sans the Chief Justice who was engaged in other assigned business. The autographs are Abe Fortas, Tom Clark, William Brennan, Jr. , Byron White, Thurgood Marshall, Arthur Goldberg, Potter Stewart, and Harry Blackmun.

The board number is 331.

Offered for: $5500


Justice Stephen Gerald Breyer. #1082, Justice David Souter #105 and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg #107.


Stevens, Souter & Ginsburg