William Rufus Day #59 (1849-1923)

Board #181 - William Rufus Day #59 (1849-1923)

William Rufus Day #59 (1849-1923) was nominated to the court by Theodore Roosevelt (his likeness is pictured on the lower right of the board as a roughrider.) Day was from Ohio and was born to a couple whose father was a State Supreme Court Justice. Day attended Michigan Law. Eventually he became the Secretary of State for President and friend William McKinley. McKinley was assassinated. Upon his nomination Day was confirmed to the Court on the same day.

Justice Day was such an avid baseball fan he had clerks bring him game scores whenever the Court was in argument.

Day penned the criminal decision that found the warrantless search of a private home without a warrant was a violation of the 4th Amendment prohibition of illegal search and seizure. Weeks v United States.

His 4 sons became lawyers where they frequently argued before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Board number : #211.

Offered for. $2400.


Felix Frankfurter (78) (1882-1965)


Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)